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Vonshef 2 Pack 700mL Fruit Infuser Water Bottle Review – Habitual Reviews

Overall: I LOVEEE this infuser water bottle! It is so great getting to drink naturally flavored water all day, keeps me refreshed and healthy! The water bottle has a huge infuser section, leak proof seal, and is good sized!


  • Infuser capabilities- This is my first time trying out the infuser water bottle concept and it is pretty awesome! Really easy to use, all you have to do is just put whatever your favorite fruit is inside the container, and then fill up your water bottle as usual and wala! You have naturally flavored water! The taste of the flavored water is good and there are endless possibilities for recipes. You can also just put ice into the infuser container to keep your water chilled and there are tons of other uses!
  • Leak-proof- This has a double walled seal and the seal works really well! I fill up my water bottle all the way to the top, and even when I shake it vigorously, turn it upside down, it still doesn’t leak!
  • Design- I like the aesthetic appeal of this design! Simple, yet elegant! Dozens of people asked me where I got this water bottle and how they can get one too!
  • Easy to clean- Its dishwasher safe for the top rack and it is very easy to clean by hand as well!
  • Good capacity- 700 mL is a great amount of volume and the handle on the top makes it easy to carry!


  • I honestly couldn’t come up with any! It works really well and I’m liking this new infuser water bottle trend!

*I received this product in exchange for an honest, unbiased review

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